Saturday, May 19, 2012


annyoung~~~~ lama rasanYe xUPdaTE ma BloG ni~~ duNNo whaT i BusY iN loh....(JusT SleeP,watcH draMa,buY stuFF,PlaY gamE,eDiT VideO) now i really haVe aLot iDea to doiNg buT duNNo whiCH oNe i sHouLd doinG firsT...haisss TT_TT so i End dengAn TyPe sOme sTorY LiL biT anD thaN LisTen soNg + TryiNg to WriTe a soNg Lyrics...i just doing so many ThinG daLam saTu maSa so ChaoS in Ma MiND now... ummm...oh Ya, i just fiNisH frOm watcH aLL ma ViDeo maKer,and Smile aLone looK how muCh improvement in doing BetteR video Loh ^____^ (that i Perasaan sendiri ?,?) da~ whatever.... oh ya,lately ma old buddies ada ask about ma life...umm,what i can say just i'm like before loh,nothing change and nothing forget about keeee~~~ actually, i know the top question ma buddieS wan asKing loH...i Know ma Buddies wiLL asKinG about ma partner(boyfriend/lover)..haisss...heard that i start to lie firstly...but i just burst out of laugh, cause i got goosebump when talking about lover (but if ma lover is OPPA/kpop idol different). when ma buddies knows the truth ma buddies out of tantrum hahahahaha~~~~~~ what the most i hate when we talk about past,ma buddies start talk about the person i totally forget well and keep make me remember the face well!!! argggg!!!! apart from that,ma buddies also start suggest me to introduce me to someone, but hardly i refuse about that,why i do that,because i just try to hold ma fate now, i belived someone already fate to me but dunno when,where and who right, why we need to rush in matters like that??? anything will come to us we just need be patient....aigoooo i REaLLY HATE wHEn SoMEONe TRyiNG tO be matChMAker foR me LoHHHHHHHHHHHHH!!!!!!!!!!!!! m(><)m ummmm, let me end here loh,i thought ma Idea come NoW~~~ annyong~ (─‿‿─)