Sunday, December 12, 2010

mY sweetY piE PrenZ

hOpE wHrVr u aRe....wE nVR loSe ouR coNNecTiOn.... Q(^_^Q)*hwaiting*

laSt dAY PaRty...... T_T witH thE persOn wHO alWys Gv a SuppOrt aNd GuiDe tO mY FinaL poRejCT~~~

mY houSemate....tHe besT houSemate aNd tHe PerSOn whO gV me a COuRage...
eveN i alWys shOw a Bad aTTituDe aNd gV aLL a HarD tiMe..wE alWys hoLd aNd beliVed eaCh oTheR...coZ tHe swEeT loVe iN eaCh OtHer HeaRt rEaLLy DiFFucLt ThG tO ReaCh...esPcLY mE...THe PersON DuNNo hoW tO shOw reaL LOVe TO u....T_T

i LoVe thS GiRL she MY beSt PreNz i Hv iN my LoVe..eVen wE gO in dFFrNT waY wE sTiLL caN reaCh eAcH oTher..ACtLY ouR fiRst meeT soMetHg a MisTakE i DidNt thougHt thaT i caN be her friEnd...i reaLLy loVe aNd missed her aLot....yup we jsT LiL piC tO kEEp...buT iN my MinD aNd mY memOrY aLRdY fuLL wiT u faCE,SmiLE ANd anYtHg...sO iF somEoNe asK me,wHy i jsT hV a LiL biT yoR pic...i caN anSweR wiT smiLe aNd ProuD aBT u my DeaR~~~ u alWys b a speciaL persON i KnOw iN my liFe eVn we alWys meeT dffcLt waY aNd meeT thE perSoN whO hatEd aNd JeaLOuS aBT ouR reLatiOnshiP...wE aLwsY BeLiVed and hoLd bacK eCh oTheR riTe.... OuR moMenT toGetHer sO preciOuS... saranghae chinGu~~~


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