Saturday, February 26, 2011


agaiN oNe beTteR daY aLreaDY pasT, buT aGaiN im juSt waste thE day....haisss~~~ riGhT noW i'M juSt repeatLy heaRd thE soNg 'iF u cOmE to mY heaRt'. thiS a FoLk soNg buT aLreadY upGraDe bE a nEw soNg. oh Ya, i reaLLy cuRiouS aBt soMetHinG TodaY...i JusT wonDer iF noW in thiS wOrLd thE CinDeraLLa sToRy oR anOthEr faiRy sTorY stiLL haPPenD iN soMeoNe LiFe????..whY i KeeP wOnDEriNg abouT thiS coZ, sOmetiMes wEN i HeaRd aBoUt aNoThEr PersOnaL StORy...sOMe oF tHeM haVe a siMiLaR sToRy buT iN thE miDDLe aNd aT tHe enD,cOmpLetLy DiFFereNT!!!!
i LoVe ReaD aLL FaiRy TaLe, EVeN i NeeD RepeTLy reaD aLL oF tHem, i StiLL caN reaD iT...bUt whAt a SeriOuS ProBLem i usuaLLy FoRgeT soME paRt oF thE sToRY weN i TrY tO reMembEr aBt thE sToRy baCk...aNd thaT'S whY to, i noT eVeN tRy tO drEam tO Be oNe oF tHe characTer. coZ sOmE oF tHe enDinG aNd LiFe stYLe thE chaRactEr haVe aBsoLuteLy contRaRy witH me. firsT aBoUt CinDerELLa LiFe...sHe waS aLwaYs beiNg BuLLeD bY hEr stEp moThEr anD sis....aNd sHe aLso liVe iN pOOr liFe..buT aCCtuaLLy sHe caN defend theiR rigHts!!! anD wHy sHe sHouLd stAy iN eVerYoNe eYe as a WeaK persOn!!! auFfff~~~ hoW i CaN drEaM aBouT tO Be ciNdereLLA?...coZ tHaT hOw i AlWaYs fEEl aNd thiNk eveRytiMes i ReaD hEr sToRY...aNd OtHer oNe...SnoW whiTe sToRY...thiS sToRy soMetimEs tO mE a BiT siLLy,coZ hOw tHe qUeeN geT enVy wiTH aNoThEr pErsoN beauTy?..apaRt frOm thaT, tHe quEEN hV a MagiC poWeR, whY sHe didn'T uSe tHe magiC whiCh caN maKe heR moRe beautiFuL?....waaaaa~~~~ wHy im LiKe tHis tO!!!!
buT tHe StORy maKe mE moRe WoNdEr iS a LittLe mermaiD...coZ tHe LittLe mermaiD faLL iN LoVe wiTh tHe huMan aND aFtEr tHaT thE LittLe MermaiD staRt maKe a RequEsT to becOmE a humaN tO...buT tO bE huMaN LittLe mermaiD sHouLd faCe wiTh a SuffErinG LiFe anD tHe LittLe mermaiD shOuLd sacriFiCe tHe pErsOn sHe LoVe....buT aFtEr a haLf waY anD sHe nearLy bEcOmE a humAn sHe giVe uP anD juSt lEt thE persOn shE LovE gO maRRieD wiTh anoThEr huMan..anD wEn shE can See thE persOn shE loVe haVe a haPPinEss wiTh tHe pErsoN hE noT LoVe..tHe LittLe mermaiD caN stOP froM a SuffErinG aNd painess whiCh shE wiLL disppeaR witH a buBBles to tHe skY anD waitiNg to bE re-born as a huMaN beinG....hoW couLd haVe a sTorY LiKe thiS tO? it'S samE LiKe thE persoN sHe LoVe noT reaLLy loVe her coZ hoW couLd he can ShoW a haPPinEss wiTh soMeoNe hE noT loVe anD he reaLLy haTe befoRe?! aNd tHe LittLe mermaiD reaLLy suRe sHe wiLL re-BorN aS a HumaN?????
i MaY soUnD LiKe i OppOseD tO thE exiStEnce aLL thEse sTories rigHt? buT i didn'T meaN LikE thAT...thAt whaT i aLwayS thinkiNg acctUaLLy everytiMes i ReaD aLL tHe faiRY taLe...buT becaUse i'm liKe tHaT to, i sHouLd reAd repeaTLy aLL tHe stoRy baCk...noW i knOw a ReaSon whY i AlwaYs noT reMembeR soMe oF paRt iN tHe stoRy....thiS beCaUse i usuaLLy loSe foCuS cauSe iM busY wonDerinG thE sToRY aLoT tHaN i FiNisH aNd enjoyiNg tHe sToRy...wahahahahhahahahahahahaha!!!!!!!!


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