Thursday, March 15, 2012


Again we COINCINDENTALLY meet in the street, LOOKING at u make me TREMBLING a lot. When u see me like that maybe u though that I’m still LOVE u and want u BACK. Actually what u see me like this, it is because of I AFRAID u might make me CRAZY with what u DESIRE from me. Deep in my HEART, I really want to SCREAM out that it isn’t a LOVE like u though because it’s just your ATTACHMENT. I quickly AVOIDING your eyes to make u UNDERSTAND it, but I WRONG, doing that just make u more INTERESTED to though it’s really about I could LIVE WITHOUT u now. LISTEN to u WORDS really just ANNOYING me right now. Why u couldn’t UNDERSTAND? Why u being STUPID because of something u can’t ACCEPT?. That’s why, every WORDS out from u MOUTH same nothing EFFECT to me now. I’m going little bit RELIEF when u start open your step from me. The RELIEF just for a MOMENT to me, because wherever I am, and whatever I do now, I know u’re WATCHING me. THINK about it, I feel so SCARED.

It’s now same like just u know me well, before u do that to me, I already know well about u. someone like u always do something everyone can’t EXPECT. I know since u back and since I meet u again, u will try HARD to get in TOUCH with me again, maybe u could FOLLOW my step and CALL me everyday under ANONYMOUS status. I dunno what u FEEL when u do that, when u FOLLOW my FOOTSTEP could u FEEL u can stay by my side? And when u HEARD my BREATHING SOUND on your phone when u do that, could it already make u HAPPY?. Every night u come near to my house and under a TURN OFF street light in front of my house u just WATCH me through my window room. LOOKING at u doing that, again I TREMBLING and AFRAID, so I try HARD to HIDE from u couldn’t see me, even of my SHADOW I will not let u see it too. Do u know I’m really TIRED doing this every night. Have u gone CRAZY? Why are u like this?. From my HIDE space now, I just can CRY in FEAR pray for u STOP it and leave me ALONE.

After a night, I could BREATH again and come out from my HIDE space. I LOOK out at my window and take a deep BREATH now. Why? Why u still can’t UNDERSTAND? Why u be so STUPID? Do u know, when I see u FACE now, I get SUFFOCATED. When day come to, I just HOPE that u will get AWAY from my SIGHT anymore. But I realize it same like I can’t ESCAPED from u since u BACK, which u same HOPING that I’m will just LOVE u. even I RUN AWAY now, it same u still can see me and in your MIND same like u PROUD about u really know me BETTER. See u behave like that I know, u really want I LOOK at u but I can’t and didn’t want to do that because I don’t wanna CRY no more.

Day by day already past, but why u still like this? Please, just get AWAY from me I’m really can’t BREATH like this. What I can do to STOP your CRAZINESS now? ,STOP making a call to me, cause even a THOUSAND missed call from u I receive, I will not PICK it up. I will not FORGET since the day I meet u until now, I know it already a THOUSAND day since that and u also want prepared me a PRESENT that I’ll like. So that’s why u just SITTING at the ROAD which I often walk, WAITING for me and again HOPING a LOVE from me. My step just STOP LOOKING u there, I can’t think anything to do right now even to try RUN AWAY. U just APPROCH me and try to let me receive what in your hand now. I really can’t ACCEPT it, just ANNOYING face I give u in that MOMENT. Your ANGER face CLEARLY I can see at that MOMENT, suddenly u just screm out that what u doing to me now it’s not same like what I though is u just ATTACHMENT , and u don’t want I say that everything u doing now just make me CRAZY. Repetly u told me, that I really can’t BREAK AWAY from STUBBORN u in front of me to make I BELIVED with u WORDS again. Both your hand at my shoulder, u act same like someone can’t DISTINGUISH between FICTION and REALITY. What u know just want me SAY that I still need u and LOVE u. could u STOP all the NONSENSE talk and THINK now? .I HOPE u come to your SENSE back, STOP everything and let me GO from your MEMORY.

Since u act like that to, I CLEARLY know, everything now, it’s really not a LOVE, but u just HURTING me a lot. With a HEARTLESS perception in your eyes from me, I just GO WITHOUT LOOKING at u and throw AWAY your present. I can FEEL on that MOMENT u not FOLLOW my step anymore.

In my room, I sit at my bed and hug my favorite stuff tighly and let my TEARS wet my face. I WHISPERING to my stuff about u. where I can’t DENY about before when I make PROMISE to u about I will LOVE u FOREVER, I really MEANT to be, but now I really MEANT to be to that I can’t LOVE and don’t LOVE u anymore. Please FORGIVE me and FORGET me from your MEMORIES, even u say u will WAITING for me FOREVER it really can’t CHANGE my LOVE towards u again. Our story already END since I told u to BREAK UP, I already make new PROMISE to myself now, I don’t wanna CRY no more.


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