Monday, February 28, 2011

HaRd iF EvEryThg chaNge~~~


dO eVryOnE FeeL baD weN sOmEoNe coMe tO u aNd staRt coNfess LoVe feeLinG toWardS u...anD thaN u refuSed to accepT iT? AdditiOn, The persOn doiNg thT iS oNe oF yoR besTfrieNd...??????
n sOmetiMes becaUse oF thaT yOr frieNdshiP wiLL be ruiN to riGhT?...foR me noW, if SoMeoNe i sTiLL caLL friEnd n aLwayS bY my siDe aS a FrieNd...i wOuLd accpet thE persOn tO bE mY LoVe oNe day, mAyBe iT wiLL haRd FoR me tO staRt coMmuniCatEd wiTh tHe peRsoN aGaiN..buT soMeoNe whO i didn'T caLL thE persOn as a FrieNd n mayBe juSt a soMeoNe reaLLy noT sO cLose wiTh me,aNd noT aLwys exisT iN mY liST oF friEnd oR wE jUsT mE aT cLass Or aNywHr, buT stiLL soMeoNe i KnoW, maYbe it'S oK fOr mE to accpEt it...anD hOw aBt OtHer persOn OpiNioN????...eVerYoNe sTiLL a HumAn riGht? aNd stiLL caN thiNk whiCh a riGht Or noT...maYbE sOmeOne wiLL juDge tHat iM bE sO harSh tO othEr PersON heaRt righT? buT iF i'm ReaLLy coMfoRtaBLe staY bY u SiDe aS mY friEnd, HoW caN i Do? for Me sOmEoNE caN be mY FrieNd is MoRe vaLuaBle iN mY liFe thaN someOne staY bY siDe juSt fOr LoVe...iN WeN Be a CouPLe i thiNk..maYbe eaCh oF wE wiLL eaSiLy FeeL unTrusteD eVeN ThE pErsOn saY BeLiVed u oR wHteVr..buT tHe fEElinG oF unTrusTed, haTred, jeaLouS, tears anD more wiLL aLwyS disTuRb yoR eMotioNal riGht?...thT mY opiNioN!!!


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